Friday, 30 July 2010

Getting Ready for Les Vacances

After today we are off for the whole of August. Well that is not strictly true as I know we will be working some days during August. When you have your own business it's difficult to stop working what with emails and the telephone on call forward to my mobile.
Anyway I was just chatting with S and she asked me what I had planned for the holidays. We are closed for the month of August so everyone gets to have a holiday!
I said that I was going to use the time to clear out my house, garage and porcherie of all the excess, unwanted and unused things that have accumulated over the years and where possible see if I can sell them.
One of my most difficult tasks will be to reduce the number of books I have and get them ready to sell. I must have 7 or 8 large bookcases full. Not sure how yet, Amazon seems to be OK if you have specialist books but just the everyday novels you would have to sell them for a penny and having read up about it, it seems this is not a good way to make money. Any advice??
My books are very precious to me. Living in France, we do not have charity shops where you can pick up cheap English books, so I have to buy mine from the UK or rely on friends giving them to me when they come over. I have not wanted to part with them over the years, I probably read a book 3 or 4 times. But this year I have decided to clear out and start again. Maybe I will look for a Vide Grenier later in the year but when I did that last time I only sold 1 book!!
Any ideas gratefully received.

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