I have just seen a very interesting web site that allows you to key in your town and post code and it will show you all the following information:
The population for the town or village
The net revenue per household and how many inhabitants
Average Monthly Salary for the richest 10% in the town
Average Nett salary per person, including full time and part time
Where the town comes in the list of 36 717 towns and villages
How your town compares to the surrounding towns
How the household is made up - single, couples with children etc
How the population is made up - by profession
Average salary of a working household
Average pension of a retired household.
This is available for over 36 thousand towns and villages in France, but if you are interested it gives you an idea of average salaries etc in France.
Here is the site - it is in French, but easy to follow:
On one of the forums I read, someone made a comment that maybe it is possible to live more cheaply in France if you are retired.
At the moment I don't think there is much difference between the two countries in term of living expenses. It is all getting expensive.
I did think about doing a shop in the Uk next week and having it delivered here, but after reading Frugal's blog yesterday about the price of flour, I don't think I'll bother. I checked this morning in Lidl, and a kilo of good quality fine plain flour is 39centimes, Frugal said it was over 70p in the UK.
However I am going to start planning to do some stockpiling this month.
This was taken from their website. You can copy it into Googlre Translate and it will give you an idea of what it is all about and why the site was set up.
Ouvert au début de l'année 2009, Le site SalaireMoyen.com souhaite développer plus de transparence sur les niveaux de revenus en France et aider les ménages qui souhaitent déménager à mieux comprendre leur environnement futur. Sur notre site, vous pouvez ainsi accéder aux niveaux de salaire moyen des Français, de retraite et d'impôt sur le revenu dans chacune des 36 700 villes de France. Pour les villes de taille suffisante, il est même possible de connaître la répartition par tranche de revenus. Les données publiées sont issues de statistiques retravaillées de l'INSEE (2007) et du Ministère des Finances (2008).
I didnt realise you could order your food from the UK but have it delivered to France! xxx
Very interesting especially as we contemplate a move to France at retirement. We visit around for times yearly at the moment. Groceries certainly have gone up since we started to holiday on the continent. France used to be much cheaper. Now it's around the same overall although prices of different things vary. May be stocking up on our bread flour though when we next visit in April! x
Diane - There are companies that will deliver groceries to a drop off point in our area. I do my shopping in Asda online, pay with my credit card and arrange for them to deliver to this company. They receive all their deliveries for our route on the same day , then fill up their van and set off to France. It works out at just over £20 for £100 of goods. When things are cheap in Asda with all the offers it can be worth it.I know of people who do their monthly shop this way because they have their pension paid in the UK and the exchange rate is not good at the moment, so for them it is cheaper. Also there are a lot of people that like all the food they are used to from the UK. here it is not easy to get things out of season, whereas in the UK you can get what ever you want when you want it.
I have really enjoyed following you on your holiday.
If you do ever decide to retire to France, get in touch, there are lots of things to be aware of
Long before the days of the internet, my Mom would have been able to tell you all of that information about our village, as could most of the women along our street. They must have been before their time.
That's really interesting Sue. Food prices here are extremely high:( We started to watch a programme on TV last night called a House in France, excellent show.
Flour prices are quite a bit higher than 70 pence per kilogram up our way—Aberdeenshire. The reasonable quality ones are 79 pence per kilogram, best quality £1.49 and organic also £1.49. Even the supermarket own brand premium plain flour is 84 pence per kilogram.
We buy a lot of flour as we make our own bread and do a lot of baking. So we've really noticed the rises over the past few years.
I'm also a bit of an anorak when it comes to bills. So I can look up our shopping bill from six years ago and see that our weekly shop used to cost £30. That included a fair few organic items, particularly milk, butter and cheese.
Last week, the weekly groceries cost £50. We bought less than we did six years ago and had no organic produces whatsoever.
We're actually hit harder by food price inflation because we grow so much of our vegetables and produce most of our own meat. It means our shopping basket is mainly staples—and their prices have rocketed away compared to relative luxuries.
On top of that, our household income has declined in real terms while energy prices have rocketed. It makes for a real challenge keeping the budget balanced.
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